Friday, 7 September 2012


By Ishant Gupta
Apple's latest desktop operating system OSX Mountain Lion contains more than 200 new features. Here is a comparison between Microsoft's Window and Apple's Mountain Lion. Let we check can Window compete Mountain Lion.
microsoft window

1.  Growl
This OSX’s popular notification app is also available   for Window. It does not contain any notice bar but it shows alerts, and also shows custom notifications for some supported applications. You can get this app from

2. Google Drive
You can store and upload upto 5 GB data absolutely free with the help of Google Drive. It synchronizes files by itself to the connected device. It also provide the facility of editing and saving of files. You can get it from www. drive

3. Evernote
Evernote provide the features same as Notes and Reminder. It is free for PC’s and multiple mobile operating systems. You can synchronize files between desktop and mobile using it. You can save Text, Image and Audio Notes in it and can collaborate to your friends. You can get it from

4. Nimbuzz
It is a free instant message aggregator. It is used for voice calls. It works in web browsers also. It has apps for all type of devices. You can add Yahoo, Google talk, MSN or chat with nimbuzz buddies and   share multimedia using Wi-Fi / 3G. You can get it from

5. Air Parrot
Using Air Parrot you can stream wirelessly a window’s desktop with the help of Apple TV on a HDTV. It’s free trial is available and full version is available in $9.99. You can get it from

1. Notification Center
Mountain lion has a notification center likewise iOS. It displays alerts for Mail, Calendar, Game center, and Twitter. You can tweet with its help. You can reach to it by clicking on the icon placed at top right side.

2. iCloud
iCloud provide 5 GB free space to store the files and also synchronize the apps with iOS devices. Now it support the editing of documents also. You can edit any document along with working on it. These changes will also appear in other synchronized devices.

3. Notes and Reminder
Two new applications are added in Mountain Lion-
1. Notes     2. Reminder
Both uses iCloud to synchronize updates between Mac and iOS device. You can mail or message a note immediately after composing it.  Alerts shows in notification bar with the help of reminder.

4. Message
iChat application is replaced by Message now. It works as instant message aggregator.It support Google talk, Yahoo, AIM, Jabber. It is a desktop client for Apple’s own messenger service iMessage. iMessage is already available for iOS. Now iMessage works on cloud. In it you can synchronize conversation  between Mac and mobile devices.

5. Air play
It is good for multimedia, gaming and presentation.   Airplay works for audio on any Mountain Lion Mac. Music can be stream wirelessly.

5 Special features of "Mounatain Lion" :-
1. Notification center can hide the alerts:-
You can hide the notifications by Notification alert center for one day. Open the notification center and scroll up. You will see here an option to switch off the alerts at top. To see notifications you can switch on again.

2. Lock your files from title bar:-

You can rename or lock the file without closing it for Text Edit and Preview OSX apps. For that you have to click on the arrow next to the file name in title bar. Then click on the option rename or lock in drop down. It can be very useful for you.

3. Return of "Save As" button:-

Save As function was removed from the OSX Lion menu. Now it is added again in Mountain Lion. But it is a hidden feature here. For that you have to open File Menu and press long Alt key. It will change "Duplicate" function into "Save As" and you can use save as for files.

4. Make sticky notes on desktop:-

It is a special feature of Mountain Lion that any text saved in Notes app can be can be set as sticky notes on desktop.
a.) Launch Notes app and double click on Note name.
b.) It will pop out in a new window and you can use it anywhere on desktop.
Sticky note will be visible after closing Notes app and you will be tension free to remember important things. 

5. Synchronization of Contacts:-

All the first connect your Twitter account to mail, contacts and calendar in system preference. Then choose Twitter from side menu and click on update menu. It will scan your twitter followers, so that it can synchronize the twitter user names and photos from current contacts. By it you do not need to open twitter to see contacts.
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